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发布日期:06/30/2023 9:21 PM
naco_awards 2023便士N达勒姆.C. - - - 全国县协会(NACo) 将博彩平台大全列为今年NACo成就奖的获得者. For the third consecutive year, Durham County has secured multiple NACo Achievement 奖.
成就奖表彰创新, 有效的县政府项目,加强对居民的服务. Durham County’s seven NACo Achievement Award-winning programs include the following: 
Development of a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan: The Devil is in the Details (资讯服务及科技)
博彩平台大全商业招聘 (经济发展)
博彩平台大全政府实施了一项管理安全意识服务 (资讯服务及科技)
• 入侵历史:发现达勒姆地契中的种族契约 (契约登记册)
•读A. 公牛收藏卡(图书馆)
NACo年会及博览会, the largest meeting of county elected and appointed officials from across the country, 将于7月21日至24日举行, 2023, 在特拉维斯县, 德州. 会议期间, 博彩平台大全的成就奖获得者将在周日举行的NACo年度会议成就奖午餐会和一般性会议上庆祝, 7月23日.
博彩平台大全选举委员会, 人力资源, 资讯服务及科技, 选举委员会, 经济发展, 契约登记册, 和图书馆, 将在下午7点举行的BOCC例会上,由NACo选出的杰出项目和项目将获得博彩平台大全委员会的认可.m. 2023年7月10日,星期一. 
“我们的员工都很优秀,工作出色,继续使博彩平台大全成为一个模范的地方政府组织,博彩平台大全委员会主席Brenda Howerton说. “谢谢你, 全国县协会, for recognizing the efforts of our organization and selecting them as winning programs for the third year in a row.”
The following are details about Durham County’s Achievement 奖 and its awardees:
博彩平台大全选举委员会创建了交付管理应用程序,以解决选举准备过程中出现的需求. The in-house creation, focused on stewardship and innovation, is broken into two components. 第一个组成部分, 管理界面, provides pertinent information for decision-making on the same page as data entry. 第二部分, 用于交付跟踪的基于移动的应用程序, pulls delivery information from the admin side and pushes back real-time updates on the progress of Delivery Teams.
“我们感谢来自全国县协会(NaCo)的认可。,DCo选举委员会主任德里克·鲍恩斯说. “我们很高兴能与我们世界级的资讯服务及科技部门合作,开发先进的工具,推动选举管理领域的创新。.”
县大学是为所有博彩平台大全员工提供的培训项目,包括员工在县的职业生涯中所有的培训和发展机会. The goal of County U is to provide opportunities for employees to invest in their career, 个人, 专业发展, 从而提高员工的整体满意度和绩效. 县立大学提供专注于管理/领导力发展的课程和项目, 商业技能, 个人发展/软技能, 合规, 个人健康.
“Offering quality and timely training opportunities to our employees is key to overall job performance and job satisfaction; and will ultimately help the County reach all its strategic goals. 我认为以大学课程的模式提供培训不仅可以让员工有组织地记录他们的培训, 而且当他们看到自己完成了各种课程和专业时,也会给他们一种成就感,从而增强他们的体验,首席人力资源官兼首席就业顾问凯西·埃弗雷特-佩里说. “We look forward to expanding the programs and providing even more training opportunities to DCo staff in the future.”
Development of a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan: The Devil is in the Details
In March 2020, Durham County Government was the victim of a crippling ransomware attack. 宕机和恢复对Durham县的经济影响是巨大的,这表明需要显著加强该县快速恢复关键技术系统和相关业务连续性协议的能力. 通过与多家供应商的合作,该郡成功构建了一个托管灾难恢复解决方案,在距离Durham主数据中心60英里以外的地方建立了一个地理距离较远的二级数据中心,并通过云解决方案解决了备份现代化问题. The milestone of architecting and planning this effort is significant because the “devil is in the details.“项目的这一部分包括复杂的集成和协作,以建立一套明确的需求,这些需求经过县领导的审查和批准. 这些需求推动了二级数据中心的规范, 硬件, 网络连通性, 软件, 备份现代化, 以及供应商提供的托管灾难恢复服务. 计划良好的项目范围还包括在发生灾难或恶意软件攻击时执行的IT灾难恢复计划(ITDRP). 预计2023财年末(6月)将成为正式交付日期.
“每天, 资讯服务及科技部的员工须透过创意和创新,运用科技解决问题,协助部门达成业务目标,” said Chief Information Officer for 资讯服务及科技 Greg Marrow. “We’re honored to work with and support our county departments to improve services delivered to the residents of Durham County.”
In 2019-2020, with a significant commercial interest in the Research Triangle Park and the County as a whole, Durham County saw the opportunity to align business recruitment efforts with broader strategic priorities like equitable well-being, 宜居的工资, 减少贫困. 这导致博彩平台大全委员会制定并批准了《博彩排名》. 这一行动的目标是增加招募项目所产生的有形社区利益,如增加与少数民族和妇女拥有的商业企业的合同。, 可持续设计, 建设, 以及操作实践, 运输需求管理(TDM), 以及获得儿童保育等问题. 同样重要的是, 该县试图通过征求那些将显著参与劳动力发展管道的公司来增加招聘职位的达勒姆居民数量.
“当我们在2019年开始政策修订过程时, 我们看到了在招聘过程中利用共同价值观来实现更大集体影响的机会,博彩平台大全经济发展主任安德鲁·Miracle说. “虽然我们开始看到这项创新工作的成果, we will continue to pursue iterative improvements so that more residents can benefit from the County’s Business Recruitment program.”
从2019年开始,从受修订后政策影响的项目开始, 博彩平台大全及其合作伙伴已经招募了5名,300个工作岗位, 并宣布了2美元.在项目的前5年,预计将带来3700万美元的财产税收入. In 2021, recruited companies spent $74 million utilizing diverse vendors to include $68 million with MWBEs and $3.500万美元的退伍军人企业.
In 2023, new project announcements have included aspirational commitments from three companies to spend a total of $42.600万的mwbe. 已有12家公司同意提供实习机会, 包括年度机会一旦运作. 13家公司已经同意与达勒姆公立学校的职业和技术教育项目合作,其中包括教育课程, 接待师生, 以及顾问角色. 致力于可持续建筑设计, 建设, and operating practices and Transportation Demand Management are included as well among others.
The ransomware attack on Durham County Government in March 2020 included the loss of email and the primary network. 《博彩平台大全》2020年的一篇文章详细描述了这次袭击, “A total of seven computers have been identified that are likely "patient zero" sources of the infection, 市政府和县政府的员工都会点击邮件中的链接.” In October 2022, Durham County Government implemented a Managed Security Awareness service. This service was put in place to engage employees to reinforce behaviors that protect themselves and the County from malicious events. In addition to mandatory cyber training, employees were “phished” at least once a month. 资讯服务及科技(IS&T)故意向员工发送网络钓鱼邮件. Through training, employees should have known to leave the email unopened and report the email to IS&通过电子邮件系统中的“报告网络钓鱼”工具. 然而, 如果员工打开了冒犯的邮件, 他们立即收到一条“你被网络钓鱼了”的信息,并必须立即完成与识别和报告网络钓鱼电子邮件相关的课程. This has been a successful effort as we have measured a 50% decrease in the employee open rate on phishing exercises – 14% to 7%.
入侵历史:发现达勒姆地契中的种族契约旨在讲述达勒姆地契中包含的种族限制性契约的故事和影响, 使用公共记录信息和档案文件. 作为歧视的工具, 种族限制条约将种族隔离写入法律,并允许种族隔离在联邦政府开始将其定为非法后继续存在. The resulting widespread economic and social disenfranchisement has resonated across generations. These restrictions are still part of the property deeds in communities across the country today, and we believe the practice of interrogating them as a community can inform our efforts to dismantle racism in Durham County.
“当一个社区可以聚在一起探索和, 在必要的时候, 挑战过去, 诚实, 和认真. We believe that this project has helped illuminate parts of both Durham and America’s history which everyone should be familiar with,助理契约注册处处长J.T. Tabron.
读一本. 公牛收藏卡
博彩平台大全图书馆的读一本. 牛 Collectable cards were created to promote the wide array of programs and services the library provides for the Durham community. 以图书馆吉祥物读一本为特色. 牛, these baseball card-style promotional giveaways highlighted key library initiatives like the Bookmobile, 自动检测机, 感觉房间, 北卡罗莱纳收藏馆. 收集卡在整个图书馆系统中分发,作为一种创新的方式,向公众通报可用的服务.
博彩平台大全图书馆的吉祥物A. 公牛是图书馆所能提供的一切的象征,博彩平台大全图书馆馆长塔米·巴格特说. “创建读一本”. 牛 collectible cards was a great way for us to showcase everything from Spanish Language programming, 到科技移动, 到STEAM服务, 和更多的. We at the library look forward to continuing our innovative programming in service of all members of the Durham community.”
The employees of Durham County Government are committed to community and the ongoing betterment of county services and programs. 
“全国各地都有, counties are working tirelessly to support residents and drive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This year's Achievement Award-winning programs showcase how counties work every day to build 健康y, 安全, 繁荣的社区,NACo总裁拉里·约翰逊说.
NACo奖项分为18个不同的类别,反映了广泛的, 县提供的综合服务. 类别包括类别包括儿童和青少年, 刑事司法和公共安全, 郡政府, 信息技术, 健康, 公民参与, 和更多的. 以下是2023年所有成就奖得主的详细信息 在这里.
始于1970年, NACo’s annual Achievement 奖 program is designed to recognize county 政府ernment innovations. Each nominee is judged on its own merits and not against other applications received. 
Learn more about all of the 2023 NACo Achievement Award winners and past awardees, 包括授予博彩平台大全政府的奖项, 使用 NACo的可搜索奖项数据库.
有关博彩平台大全成就奖的更多详细信息,请发送电子邮件 publicinformationoffice@dconc.政府
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